We stop Bed Bugs. Before Infestations.

We help the hospitality industry deal with the growing bed bug problem by preventing infestations. We use computer-vision and biotechnology instead of repeated applications of toxic chemicals to stop bed bugs the way they come in - one or two at a time.

We are Delta Five.

Bed bugs are a costly cycle.


Guests bring them in, one or two at a time


Time-lagged & intermittent inspections only catch some


Another infestation begins


Guest complaints, bad reviews

How it Works


Electronic lure works 24/7. Bed bugs are most active at night.



Using computer vision, we detect the bed bug
& trap it.



WiFi-connected device instantly notifies you of a capture by text or email.


Stop the Cycle.

Start using science & technology to keep your guests safe and comfortable. The Delta Five Automated Bed Bug Detection System stops infestations the way they begin - one or two bed bugs at a time.

Device Manager


Device Status

  • WiFi signal strength & connection status
  • Biological attractant cartridge (BAC) age
  • Daily synchronization report with images

Allows you to ensure all devices are always protecting your guests.

Instant Notification

  • Capture image and room/bed information sent to all your devices
  • Automated capture tracking ticket generation

Immediately lets you know when a bed bug is trapped and helps you manage your response.

Electronic Pest Management Record

  • Stores data for all properties
  • Historical capture and response data

Enables pest activity analysis and trend tracking. Manage risk and liability/litigation defense with real data. 


The Delta Five eLure fits discreetly behind the bed. It’s silent, odorless and your guests will never know it’s there.


Protect your guests, your reputation, and your bottom line.

The Delta Five eLure is transforming how hotels deal with bed bugs. Schedule a demo and see for yourself how Delta Five can stop bed bugs before infestation. We’ll demonstrate installation, employee training, dashboard configuration, how to generate reporting, and
present an ROI case tailored to your property.

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